Un nuevo cuento en inglés nos lleva a conocer a una farola muy particular. Y es que esta farola no quiere trabajar por la noche como las demás. Ella prefiere dormir por la noche y por la mañana enterarse de todo lo que pasa en la ciudad. Pero realmente…¡eso no es nada práctico para una farola!

Si quieres saber qué pasará con esta farola dormilona, que no te detenga el inglés: ¡seguro que entiendes muy bien el texto! Y si no, ya sabes, echa mano del diccionario, ¡y a disfrutar! La traducción de este cuento en inglés escrito por María Bautista es de Kara Gleason, la ilustración de Raquel Blázquez. Este cuento, además, es uno de los que puedes encontrar en el libro “Cuentos diferentes para niños diferentes”.

Cuento en inglés: The sleepy lamppost

All of the lampposts spent many days gossiping about the beauty and uniqueness of the owl’s hoot, so different from what they had ever heard before. All of them, except for the sleepy lamppost…

“Is it true that his hoot is so strange?” she asked.
“It’s incredible; I am hoping the night will arrive soon just to hear it,” one replied.
“But can’t the owl hoot during the mornings?”
“No, if you want to hear him, you’ll have to stay awake at night, like all of the rest of us,” they told her.

Her curiosity got the best of the sleepy lamppost, and the following night, breaking her routine, she kept her two bright eyes open. It was the first time that she stayed awake, and she was surprised by the beauty of the moon, the sound of the crickets in the bushes, and above all, that profound hoot of the wise owl.

The next morning she was so exhausted after staying awake for so many hours, that she didn’t have any choice other than to sleep and sleep throughout the day until darkness came and her eyes once again opened to illuminate the night.

And that is how it was, day after day, night after night.
No one ever called her the sleepy lamppost again.

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